It's with a heavy heart that we announce today that we will no longer be a part of Amazing Wedding Cakes. After two successful seasons, 20 cakes, and countless costume changes, Merci Beaucoup is separating from the show.
There is no tension, nor controversy. Both sides agree the timing is right to move in our different directions. While it is always sad to close a chapter in your life, we are extremely proud of our time on the show. It was a great learning experience and a lot of fun, but it was also stressful and time consuming. Our goal is to run a successful business, not be television stars. Both Reva and myself, as well as Marc are focused on moving forward with what is best for us in securing our futures and our happiness.
Marc actually posted on his Facebook wall a couple weeks ago about leaving the show, but we wanted to wait until after the season ended before officially announcing anything here on the blog. So, it is with great delight I can finally say to everyone who has asked, Marc was not fired from Merci Beaucoup!
I know his post was confusing for some, but Marc is our dear friend and colleague and our relationship is as strong as ever. Marc is not a traditional "full time" employee of Merci Beaucoup, despite what the show leads you to believe. He is a freelance cake decorator that works for a number of quality shops in the Los Angeles area as well as doing his own things. He will always be a part of our family and Reva and Marc will be creating cakes together when the opportunity strikes and cracking corny jokes till we are all in the old cakers home!
Many many thanks go out to all the brides and grooms who let us into their world with cameras. What's the point in making cake if no one eats it! We're excited your special days we're made that much more special by being captured for television.
To our family and friends, many of whom have much better things to do than tune in to a wedding cake show, we thank you for all the love and support. People I would have never suspected became dedicated fans of the show, commenting on our cakes and bragging to their friends that they knew us! Maybe our friends need better things to brag about, but it made us feel very special.
But everything we worked so hard on would mean nothing without all the viewers and fans out there. We got a chance to meet many of you from run-ins in line at Disneyland, to the aisles of Target, and of course our wonderful time at the ICES Convention in San Diego this summer. Thank you so much for watching and for all your kind words. The saddest part of all of this is knowing we won't be able to come into your living rooms every week and make you smile with our cakes and our shenanigans. We are forever grateful for your warm welcome.
I look forward to a time in the future when we can have an open discussion of everything that went into making this show happen for us. I've given you a peek every week with this blog, but the reality of reality TV is a truly fascinating world and I would love for you to know more about it. It is not easy to try and conduct your profession under such scrutiny. I have tremendous respect for every caker who has stepped into a Food Network Challenge or invited cameras into their shops. It is really hard and it is unforgiving and absolutely not normal and I hope you all remember that when you watch people expose themselves for your entertainment, because in the end, it is television and not everything you see can be filed under "reality."
Most of all, we are beyond proud that through the whole experience we made cakes, real cakes, not giant contraptions of wood and plastic and metal armitures. I'm not knocking anyone, but sculpting endless amounts of rice krispies onto a frame is not making a cake. it's making television. I like to see those creations as much as the next cake fan, but as a business owner, I prefer to see real designs come to life out of actual cake. We took some hits for this approach at times, but we made cakes, and whether or not you like our product, what we did is what really happens in a working bakery.
Merci Beaucoup has big plans for 2011!! There will be instructional opportunities, merchandise, lots more blog posts and Silly Cake News, tons of cake, and a few more surprises we're working on. Reva and Marc are first and foremost cake people, and they will be making cakes and helping others make cake far into the future. Stay tuned here and follow us on Facebook for all the latest on the goings on and for announcements from the Merci crew! We might be done with one show, but that doesn't mean we're done!!
Sincerely, Michael, Reva, and Marc
P.S. Since we've been asked a lot by those we've informed of the decision, no we do not know if or when Amazing Wedding Cakes will return with new episodes. If we hear of anything, we will certainly let you know right here on the blog.
P.P.S. I would like to second the farewell letter from Charm City Cakes by saying, yes, we do wash our hands all the time!!
That's it... I'm done with that show. MB and Cake girls were awesome. Without both companies, I'm no longer interested in the show.
Keep on making terrific cakes and hope to see you in Colorado soon now that you'll have more free time. Ha!
Posted by: Tifferooooooo | 03 December 2010 at 03:59 PM
without MB I will not be watching the show. wish marc and reva had their own show.
Posted by: laura smith | 16 December 2010 at 09:43 AM
I caught a glimpse of the show last week and by far I was most impressed with MB cakes. Reva and marc, you are just down to earth people with an amazing skill and eye for design. Amazing and beautiful work!! Kudos to you both.
Posted by: Iman | 31 December 2010 at 09:06 PM
Thank you so much for sharing your art with the world on this show. You all are truly inspiring to me and I will miss you guys so much!!!
Posted by: Chris | 03 January 2011 at 09:40 AM
What a shame. I will miss you guys and your inspiring work. Thank you for it all!
Posted by: Hypnotherapy London | 04 January 2011 at 06:38 AM
At lease we should try. nobody knows what happen tomorrow. there is no point in not enjoying the time just because of further worries…
Posted by: cheap air jordans for sale | 16 March 2011 at 12:23 AM
Hey things happen for a reason, there is no point in dwelling on what might have been, the best thing to do is get on with the today and forget about what happened yesterday!
Posted by: Joanne | 29 August 2011 at 06:51 AM
You never told us what really happaned. As you said before some time needed to go by, so can you elaborate now and finish the post? Would love to hear how it was being a tv show versus how you were day to day. In other words pulling the curtain from behind the wizard if you please. Loved you on the show. You were my fav. Hope you will reply.
Posted by: bob | 10 October 2012 at 11:16 PM