It's Friday. It's December 24th. Holy Smokes it's Christmas Eve!! Happy Holidays everyone! We've been knee deep in Christmas for a while now here at the bakery and it is the best! Don't you just love all the traditional sweets and baking that goes on this time of year? Whether you're dirtying up your own kitchen, a relatives, or picking up a special treat form your favorite bakery, sugar never seems to taste sweeter than during the holiday season.
To celebrate, I thought I'd comb the internet for some awesome Christmas themed cakes (much like we did for Thanksgiving) and post them here on the blog. Enjoy the inspiration and from all of us here at Merci Beaucoup, have a very Merry Christmas!!
I started with this adorable candy covered cake from Stacey's Cakes in Delaware. It just screams Christmas with its gingerbread accents and gumdrops, you can just imagine how good this tastes just by looking at it! Just goes to show you how you can capture a theme perfectly even on the smallest cakes. Excellent work.
Next up is Freed's Bakery in Las Vegas. Reknowned for their quality and design, Freed's put together this three tiered Christmas beauty complete with Elves, reindeer, snowmen, and a waterfall!! A waterfall!! And Mr. & Mrs. Claus oversee the whole delectable scene from the top.
Whoa! Lookout for the missle toe when The London Cake Company sets their sites on Christmas!! They have a lot of great Christmas cakes on their site (seriously go look, the Brits are crazy with cake!), but I just had to show this special order for the Guild of Erotic Artists. Don't they just look so jolly?
Now, I Googled quite a few Santa Cakes in researching this post and the theme of Santa plummeting down the chimney was a popular one, but the winner for me was the sculpted version from Doodle Cakes in Canada. The deciding factor? The lights! They used C-9's all around the chimney and in case you were unaware, C-9's are the big bulbs a.k.a. the best bulbs! Mini lights and LEDs are great as accents, but if you are serious about lights, you go big! Same goes double for lights on cakes!
I scrolled through page after page of Yule Logs, mostly bland, some with funny/cheesy plastic Santas on them, but then I saw this baby. Posted by Natacha81 on Cake Central, this half scary, half happy tree face Buche de Noel is truly one of the more unique logs I've seen. Oh yeah, in my family we just call it "log." Every year my mom pretends she's not gonna make it 'cause it's "so hard," and tries to hide it in the back of the fridge. We're on to you Janet.
There's nothing remarkable about this traditional English Christmas Pudding, I just wanted to show one cause they're awesome!! I mean, you get to light it on fire!! God save the Queen!!
Now, a post like this would hardly be complete without an awesome gingerbread house, but I'd be a fool to sit here all day and try and figure out how to rate them and see which one was the best because there are literally millions of photos of amazing gingerbread homes online. Millions! And you know what, I love them all!! So many great ones out there, so many great ideas, so many ideas it just makes me want to get in the kitchen and start making more gingerbread houses.
So, instead I just grabbed a photo from the first one that caught my eye and will wish all of you out there a very very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year from all of us in the Merci Beaucoup family. So many things planned for 2011 we can hardly wait, but we want to thank all of you for all of your love and support and we will be thinking of each and every one of you during the holidays.
Merry Christmas!!!!
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