That's right everyone, Husband Mic here with the all the news thats fit to post on a third tier cake blog from your favorite TV cakers at Merci Beaucoup. Some weeks, it is kind of hard to find silly cake news, and I think "well, no post for this Friday!" Then at the last second, some fool steals Paris Hilton's birthday cake!!
You heard me right, some dude made off with Paris Hilton's birthday cake! She actually had two at her no doubt over the top 30th B-Day bash in Hollywood over the weekend (some good pics in the link) which according to the article had a laser light emitting robot break dancer. How many times have we seen that huh? So over done. Anyhoo, some dude by the name of Paz (a musician or something) crashed the party, got "slizzerd" and decided it would be a great idea to make off with the cake.... and no one stopped him!!! This was like a Mentos commerical in reverse, he just put on the confidence hat and strolled out! I love it, which leads me to this important announcement, we are now offering anti theft protection on all Merci Beaucoup cakes starting at 10 cents a slice;)
Come to think of it, maybe a dime a slice is too cheap, seems cake theft is on the rise! Our second slice comes from a group celebrating a one year old's birthday at a Michigan Chuck E. Cheee. They did a little dine and dash and doggie bag, leaving the check, but snagging the cake! When the bill came they told the waitress the person paying hadn't arrived yet and then snuck out the front, cake in tow. I'm waiting for the first joker to slip Reva a note over the counter telling her to put the cakes in the bag and no one gets hurt.
Our third slice goes to a cake that has never been sliced! The world's oldest wedding cake popped up recently and will soon be on display at the Willis Museum in Basingstoke in the UK. Dating back to 1898, this is the oldest complete cake in the world that we know of and while a little brown and entirely inedible, reserchers have found through a syringe test that it is still moist inside! Hmmm, must be Betty Crocker. Although, I would argue the completeness of this cake, it kind of looks like the upper tiers to me, but who am I to argue with 113 year old pastry!
It also kind of looks like a pretzel... mmmmm.... pretzels.....
Our fourth and final slice for this week is old news (one of our first SCN topics), but I just wanted to post a picture of the "apple pie cake" you can have at your McDonald's wedding. This is the first time I've actually seen it.
Well, that's it for another week of Silly Cake News! We have a big meeting for a fun project this weekend that we can't wait to get started on! More on that later, till then, Paris, we have a design idea for your 31st. Have a great weekend everyone!!!
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