We did it!! Another Halloween contest is in the books and once again, you have proven to the world that our cake friends are the best cake friends anywhere!! You've also proven to be truly twisted as the horror cakes came in early and often;)
First off, congrats to everyone for making this year's Halloween contest an even bigger success than last year!! We topped our entry total from 2011 and the "likes" and comments were through the roof!! We had well over 4100 responses to the entries which is a huge jump in participation as we introduced the fan favorite category for Halloween!
Of course, the decisions were as hard as ever. We have such a difficult time picking winners as so many incredible cakes came in. Nothing was clear cut, but we picked from the heart and pulled out some names to honor with victory but everyone who entered has our admiration. There were some truly amazing cakes. We're applauding you now, listen carefully and you might hear us;) Below are this year's medalists:
Novice Division Winners
Professional Division Winners
Sarah Jones with two wins this year! Congrats to her and all our winners. Each one of you did something special that caught our eyes and we are happy to be sending you some awesome medals that I fully expect pictures of you wearing out in public! No really, we want to see you in a Starbucks ordering a tasty beverage fully medaled.... we're serious.
Okay, I can't say enough how awesome it was this year and how awesome you all are for participating. It made our Halloween season extra extra special! I think we're gonna skip a Christmas contest this year, but look out for a wedding cake challenge in 2013 as we enter "Decade Deux of Merci Beaucoup."
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