It's that time of year again when The Cake Spouse has to think of new gift ideas for the caker who has everything. No, literally, after a decade in business, we have pretty much everything! So after years of spatulas and cake pans, where do I head for the Holidays in 2012? Take a look for yourself;)
Kick Those Heels Up!
Out of all the shoe forming devices on the market today, our favorite is this new and improved high heel kit from our friends over at Cake Structure. It even comes in a shoebox!! Reva's played around with it a bunch already and loves the new cutter and CS always has high quality silicone molds. Ideal for: Fashionista Cakers.
Mini Turntables!
It's smaller and more efficient, it's the mini turntable!! While at ICES this summer, Reva stopped traffic to run over to the Cake Safe booth and pick up these portable and versatile little turntables. We got a couple 4" and a 6", all of which are great for smaller cakes or especially travel and delivery applications. They save space and hold up to 100 pounds! Ours came in white, the newer ones seem to be clear, but no matter the hue, these are a great gift! Ideal For: Everyone!
Oh beautiful, smooth fondant! What better time than Christmas to stock your caker up on an array of colors of everyone's favorite sugar dough. It's no secret we're Fondx people, so I suggest a half dozen colors from the Elite line. A) they're not so big as to take up extra room in a home kitchen (I'm looking out for you cottage food law cake spouses!) and B) they'll look great wrapped up under the tree. Ideal For: Aspiring Fondant Masters
In The Kitchen
I'd be remiss if I didn't kick off this year's gift guide with what has become Reva's favorite thing for our home kitchen. From QVC, Temp-tations are available in virtually any configuration and size you could possibly want. Like I said, we have a number of pieces at home and they work great and look great and have been very durable. For the price, we're definitely fans! Ideal for: Home Bakers and Party Givers.
iPad Stand!
Sur la Table this year has a handy dandy stand for all you Techno Bakers out there who use an iPad (or similar tablet) to display your favorite recipes. For $50 you get a nice stainless stell stand that looks at home in the kitchen, but for $200, you get the stand and a Bluetooth speaker that sits underneath it! Blast some holiday music and get baking on your snowman cookies!! Ideal for: Modern Bakers
Pancake Plates!
From the mad genius of a mind comprised of 60% Aunt Jemima comes the specialty plate we all desire. Uncommon Goods has a set of two plates, complete with syrup resevoir, for $50. Pricey, but does your morning choice of breakfast cake deserve anything less? Ideal for: All Humans!
Fred & Friends consistantly makes some of the most fun products on the market today. Their kooky takes on cupcake molds, cookie cutters and beyond always bring a smile to the kitchen. This year, they got into the cake mold/pan game with this beast of a culinary treat, the Cakewich!! At 3.75" deep, that's two hefty slices of "bread" to fill up with your favorite frosted "meat!" Ideal for: The Whimsical and Sassy Baker.

Business Tools
Be Square!
I've had dozens and dozens of friends and colleagues switch over to the Square card reader to process credit cards this year and from brick and mortar businesses to trade show applications, there seems to be little downside to this easy and portable way to turn your smart phone or tablet into an instant payment option. With a simple 2.75% fee per swipe and next day deposits, it is perfect for small businesses. And now, they have a $275 flat rate, so if you do more than 100 transactions a month, you can reduce that fee even more. Receipts can be emailed too, saving on paper costs and the reader recognizes cards and will automatically pull up the customer's email if they've used the Square before saving on transaction time. The reader is, get this, free, so my business suggestion for 2012 is definitely try it! Ideal for: Those Taking the Next Step.
The Ultimate 21st Century Register!
Can you put a price on sustainable point of sale awesomeness? Yes you can and with this gorgeous hand crafted register from Happy Owl studios, that price is $2,085! Ouch, but with "The Cashbox" model shown here you can get your own custom artwork on the front and it is fully ready to accept your iPad with Square card reader, receipt printer and it has a cash drawer! For less than half, just the top iPad holder is available so you can swivel the tablet over for signatures etc. and look super hip while doing so;) There's a ton of more affordable options on Etsy (just search iPad registers) and we've seen half a dozen that will make your modern cash processing ways look classic. Ideal for: The Succesful Business Owner.

Fun with Cake!!
I'm heading back to the Fred & Friends vault for what might be the classiest way to light the candles on your next birthday cake! Singing opera as you walk from the kitchen to the table is of course mandatory;) Ideal for: Dramatic Cakers.

Of course, if the candleabra is too ponce for your tastes and space is at a premium, try these Light Bites on for size! Yes, I am completing a Fred & Friends hat trick this holiday season with what will surely be under the tree for Reva come the 25th. It's a fork, it's a candle, it's both!!! The only thing that would make this cooler if it was a spork so I could eat this cake a la mode;) Ideal for: Multitaskers.

Culinary Fashion
Nerd Aprons!
I'm a nerd, and judging from some of my cake friends out there, it is not uncommon to watch a few episodes of Doctor Who while decorating. So, I give to you the nerdiest, coolest aprons on Etsy from Darling Amy! Aprons are everywhere and make a great gift, but I found these the other day and they are super awesome. She covers everything from Who to Star Wars to anime and video games etc. so all nerds are represented;) Ideal For: Sugar Addicted Geeks!

Save Your Soles!!
Last year, I had a lovely cushion gel mat on the list for standing around, but unless you want to fill in a few hundred square feet with mats, chances are you'll be baking on hard floors that are easy to clean and sanitary.... thanks a lot health codes! Reva goes through a lot of shoes and even the best ones will break down quick enough under the stress of all day crumb coating marathons! There's lots of professional chef options out there, but we keep returning to the Dansko line. They come in an array of colors and patterns to fit any personality and really you can never have enough good work shoes so they make a great gift. There's an XP line with "extra padding" in the sole, but we seem to think just the regular is better in the long run. Ideal For: Anyone Who Begs For Foot Rubs.

Sock It To Me!
Yep, I did it. Every childs "favorite" gift from that distant Aunt you never see, I offer up socks. No, I'm not giving up on the list! But to go along with the new shoes, a good pair of socks is absolutely key for those long days in a hot bakery. Forego those cutesy ones with cupcakes on them for consultations and deliveries, you need quality options to support your feet. Spend a little, get some breathable athletic socks from Under Armour or some nice cushiony Thorlos. Buy socks that are meant to take a beating! Leave the $2 models from the bin at Target at home. Athletic socks today are built to support your foot and promote circulation, all of which makes your day in the kitchen smoother. A happy baker is a productive baker!! Ideal For: Shoe Owners
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